Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

Brenner, A., Forthcoming, “Metaphysical Foundationalism and Theoretical Unification”, Erkenntnis

Brenner, A., 2020 (online first), “Explaining Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing”, Erkenntnis, (published with open access).

Brenner, A., 2020 (online first), “How Does God Know That 2+2=4?”, Religious Studies, (published with open access).

Brenner, A., 2018, “Theism and Explanationist Defenses of Moral Realism”, Faith and Philosophy, 35(4): 447-463 (open access journal).

Maurin, A.-S., 2019, “Grounding & Metaphysical Explanation: it’s complicated”, Philosophical Studies 176: 1573-1594 file:///C:/Users/anna-/AppData/Local/Temp/Maurin2019_Article_GroundingAndMetaphysicalExplan.pdf (published with open access).

Skiles, A., 2019, “There is No Haecceistic Euthyphro Problem”, Analysis​, 79(3): 477-484 link to published version here.

Stenwall, R., online first, “A Grounding Physicalist Solution to the Causal Exclusion Problem”, Synthese.  (published open access).

Stenwall, R., J. Persson, and N.-E. Sahlin, 2019, “A Reply to Mellor’s ‘Propensities and Possibilities’”, Metaphysica, 20: 149-150. (published OA here).  

Thompson, N., 2019, “Questions and Answers: Metaphysical Explanation and the Structure of Reality”, Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 5(1): 98-116. (Open access journal).

Thompson, N., 2019, “Is Building Built?”, Analysis, 79(2): 315-327 (published with open access).

Articles in edited volumes:

The book Maurinian Truths is available online here:

Maurin, A.-S., 2019, “A  Van  Inwagean  Defense  of  Constitutionalism”,  in Quo  Vadis Metaphysics?, M. Szatkowski, ed., De Gruyter, 103-118

Stenwall, R., 2019, “Armstrong’s Truthmaker Argument for the Existence of States of Affairs Revisited”, in: Maurinian Truths, T. Hansson-Wahlberg & R. Stenwall, eds. Lund University Press.

Thompson, N.  (forthcoming) “Grounding Anti-Physicalism”, in: Grounding and Consciousness, G. Rabin, ed. (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thompson, N. and Byrne, D., 2019, “On Hyperintensional Metaphysics”, in: Maurinian Truths, T. Hansson Wahlberg and R. Stenwall, eds. Lund University Press, pp.151-158.

Articles in peer-reviewed encyclopedias and handbooks:

Maurin, A.-S., 2019, “Particulars”, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (the encyclopedia is not OA, but readily available online for most universities in Sweden and abroad).

Skiles, A., Maurin, A.-S., Thompson, N., Stenwall, R., and Brenner, A., forthcoming, “Metaphysical Explanation”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Skiles, A., 2020, “Metaphysical Grounding and Necessity”, in: The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding, M. Raven, ed.

Skiles, A. and Trogdon, K., 2020, “Grounding and Metametaphysics”, in: The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics, R. Bliss & J. T. M. Miller, eds. (not available OA).

Skiles, A. and Trogdon, K., 2019, “Maurin on Grounding and Explanation”, in: Maurinian Truths, T. Hansson Wahlberg and R. Stenwall, eds., Lund University Press.

Thompson, N., 2020, “Strict Partial Order”, in: The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding, M. Raven, ed.

Thompson, N., 2020, “Metaphysical Explanation”, in: The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics, R. Bliss & J. T. M. Miller, eds.

Articles in non-peer reviewed journals:

Maurin, A.-S., 2020, “Egenskapsmystik”, Filosofisk tidskrift (not open access, but link to final draft can be found on my website here:

Maurin, A.-S., 2017, “Metafysik och (annan) vetenskap”, Filosofisk tidskrift (not open access, but link to final draft can be found on my website here:


Maurin, A.-S., 2018, review of The Elements and Patterns of Being – Essays in Metaphysics, ed. A. R. J. Fischer, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews,

Thompson, N., 2018, review of Karen Bennett’s Making Things Up, Philosophy, 93(4): 581-586.

Conference/Workshop presentations and invited talks:

Apart from numerous presentations at seminars, workshops, conferences (co-)organized by the project, members of our group have given the following presentations.

Brenner, Andrew:

Fc. (moved due to the pandemic) Between Formal and Informal Methods in Philosophy, Workshop, University of Warsaw.

2019 Thinking About Theory Choice: A Wuhan-Leeds Workshop in Philosophy, Wuhan University. Invited speaker.

2019 Wuhan University International Conference on Explanation in Philosophy, Wuhan University.

2019 Philosophy Department Staff Colloquium, University of Hamburg. Invited speaker.

2019 Research Colloquium in Theoretical Analytical Philosophy, Aarhus University. Invited speaker.

2017 ‘Nothing Over and Above’ Workshop, University of Helsinki. Invited speaker.

Maurin, Anna-Sofia:

Fc (moved due to the pandemic), The objectivity and justification of philosophical knowledge: contemporary and historical perspectives, Heidelberg University. Invited speaker.

Fc. (moved due to the pandemic), ‘summer school’ followed by workshop on Inductive Metaphysics: Laws and Explanations in Metaphysics and Science, Düsseldorf University. Invited teacher and speaker.

Fc. (moved due to the pandemic), Graduate Conference in Metaphysics, Durham University. Invited panel speaker.

Fc. (moved due to the pandemic), 5th Meeting of the Nordic Network in Metaphysics, Lund University. Invited speaker.

Fc. (moved due to the pandemic) Workshop on Relations, Oxford University. Invited commentator.

Fc. (moved due to the pandemic) Tübingen Modality Workshop, Tübingen. Invited speaker.

2020 Staff Colloquium, Hebrew University. Invited speaker.

2020 The Philosophical Society, Lund University. Invited speaker.

2020 Staff Colloquium, Aarhus University. Invited speaker.

2018 Staff Colloquium, University of Valencia. Invited speaker.

2018 Staff Colloquium, Uppsala University. Invited speaker.

2018 Objects and Properties: Generating Dialogue, Cambridge University. Invited speaker.

2017 Ranch Metaphysics Conference, Tuscon Arizona. Invited speaker.

2017 The Whole Truth Workshop, Glasgow University. Invited speaker.

2017 Staff Colloquium, Aarhus University. Invited speaker.

2017 ECAP 9, Munich. Invited (metaphysics) panel speaker.

2017 Quo Vadis Metaphysics Conference, Warsaw. Invited speaker.

Skiles, Alexander:

2018 The Logic and Metaphysics of Ground workshop, University of Glasgow. Invited speaker.

2018 Early Career Metaphysics Workshop, College of William and Mary. Invited speaker.

2018 The Fragmentation of Reality workshop, University of Lugano. Invited speaker.

2018 4th Annual Conference of the Society for the Metaphysics of Science, University of Milan. Invited commentator.

Thompson, Naomi:

2020 Formal Ontology and Metaphysics of Science, University of Bristol. Invited speaker.

2018 Departmental Colloquium, Uppsala University. Invited speaker.

2018 Weekend School of Realism and Emergence in the Philosophy of Science, University of Oxford. Invited speaker.

2018 Southampton-Lingnan Workshop on the Metaphysics of Art, Lingnan University Hong Kong. Invited speaker.

2018 The Fragmentation of Reality workshop, University of Lugano. Invited speaker (could not attend due to illness).

2017 GEM Colloquium, Collège de France. Invited speaker.

2017 Royal Institute of Philosophy Seminar, Keele University. Invited speaker.

2017 Royal Institute of Philosophy Seminar, Queen’s University Belfast. Invited speaker.

2017 Philosophy Colloquium, Glasgow University. Invited speaker.

2017 Metaphysical and mathematical explanations: Explanation, grounding, dependence, Pavia, Italy. Invited speaker.